[rosedu-general] [Chestionar] Privacy & Security in Automotive Telematics

costashsrc at gmail.com costashsrc at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 12:15:51 EET 2016

Eu împreună cu alți 3 colegi de la masterul meu am compus un chestionar
legat de privacy & security in automotive telematics și avem nevoie de
cât mai multe răspunsuri, de la persoane cât mai diverse, tinere sau
mai în vârstă, tech sau non-tech. Singurul criteriu de selecție este să
dețină permis de conducere.
Ne-ar fi de mare ajutor dacă ați putea completa acest chestionar (și
eventual share-ui cu prieteni/bunici/părinți/etc.) Durează doar 5

Dear Participant,
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete our survey. It
will take approximately 5 minutes. Through the survey we are seeking to
understand which privacy and security aspects individuals consider
important in automotive telematics services which are provided by
modern cars.
This survey consists of three parts. The first part has 4 short
questions asking about your driving experience and familiarity with
telematics services. Next, in the second part you will read 3 short
scenarios and then rate how much you agree with those questions.
Finally, the last section contains 5 demographic questions.
Your responses and identity will be kept strictly confidential.

I've invited you to fill out the form Privacy & Security in Automotive
Telematics - Questionnaire. To fill it out, visit:
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