[rosedu-general] More about teh quest

Vlad Dogaru ddvlad at anaconda.cs.pub.ro
Wed Sep 12 23:10:27 EEST 2007

Razvan Deaconescu wrote:
> Avantaje fişier XML:
> * se fac uşor modificări
> * mult mai uşor de generat
> * uşor extensibil (doooh, EXTENSIBLE Markup Language)

Hmm, might be a troll, but he actually has a point in this piece: 

Oricum, umbla vorba cu ceva în genul: when we have a problem, we say "I 
know, I'll use XML!" Now we have two problems.
Number one reason to date an engineer:
The world does revolve around us; we pick the coordinate system.

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