[webdev] Structura track-ului back-end

Gabriel Voicu voicu_gabriel at ymail.com
Mon Jul 8 18:44:48 EEST 2013

Multumim pentru lista, voi prezenta eu Active Record. :-)


 From: Dan Serban <dserban01 at gmail.com>
To: ROSEdu WebDev Mailing List <webdev at lists.rosedu.org> 
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2013 6:29 PM
Subject: [webdev] Structura track-ului back-end

Without further ado, here it is:

Ruby1 (Andrei Bocan) 12 oct.
Ruby2 (Andrei Bocan) 19 oct.
Hackaton1 Ruby+TDD (Dan Serban) 26 oct. (begins with an introduction to Git)
Hackaton2 Ruby+TDD (Dan Serban) 2 nov.
RoR1 View+Controller (Andrei Maxim) 9 nov.
RoR2 View+Controller (Andrei Maxim) 16 nov.
RoR3 ActiveRecord (needs an instructor) 23 nov.
RoR4 ActiveRecord (needs an instructor) 7 dec.
Hackaton final 14-15 dec
Introduction to Devise (needs an instructor) prezentare in partea
introductiva a hackatonului final

Cele doua hackatoane vor avea loc simultan, is that a good thing or a
bad thing? I don't know.
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webdev at lists.rosedu.org
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