[webdev] Propunerile cursantilor pentru proiecte la hackathon

Dan Serban dserban01 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 12:58:47 EEST 2012


am mai vazut niste propuneri foarte interesante pe WebDev Google
group, le listez mai jos, insotite de niste ganduri de-ale mele.

1) BrowserQuest clone
BrowserQuest [1a] consta din biblioteca [1b] frontend-uita cu niste eye-candy.
Cu alte cuvinte, necesita cunostinte foarte bine fundamentate de
Node.JS si de websockets, without the polyfill / regressive
enhancement syntactic sugar provided by Socket.IO [1c].
Din pacate acest proiect se situeaza cu mult in afara ariei de
cuprindere a cursului WebDev, as zice eu.
[1a] http://browserquest.mozilla.org/politehnicaquest.pub.ro
[1b] https://github.com/Worlize/WebSocket-Node
[1c] http://socket.io/

2) Sinatra-based blog engine
Idee fezabila, merita luat Scanty [2] ca model.
Mentors will be needed.
[2] https://github.com/adamwiggins/scanty

3) Sinatra-based DEXonline clone
Idee fezabila, mentors will be needed.

4) Sinatra-based torrent tracker
Idee fezabila, merita reverse-engineer-uit announce.php din OpenTracker [4].
Mentors will be needed.
[4] http://www.whitsoftdev.com/opentracker/

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