[rosedu-general] [GreHack 2015 ] - Hacking & scientific infosec conference, Grenoble, France
Gina Dobrescu
gina at rosedu.org
Mon Jun 29 11:18:00 EEST 2015
Nu vreau sa va spam-uiesc, dar poate sunteti interesati. Pe 20 noiembrie
2015 are loc GreHack, o conferinta internationala de Hacking&Security.
Puteti participa la conferinta ca spectatori sau puteti sa aplicati pentru
a sustine o prezentare (Vedeti mesajul de mai jos pentru conditii). Pentru
amatori - va avea loc si un CTF, eu am participat acum 2 ani si a fost
chiar cool :) .
Alte detalii gasiti pe paginile oficiale GreHack:
*Site:* http://grehack.fr
*Facebook:* https://www.facebook.com/grehackConf?fref=ts
*Twitter:* https://twitter.com/GrehackConf
*Call for PaperGreHack 2015 - Grenoble - 20 novembre
2015http://www.grehack.fr <http://www.grehack.fr/>*
GreHack is an international security conference which takes place in
Grenoble (France). GreHack was missing last year, but GreHack is back !
More talks, more challenges and more free food !
It's the 3rd edition, and as always, it aims to bring together academics,
industry, government and hacker to discuss new advances in computer and
information security research.
As previous edition, the conference will take place during the day, and a
CTF will be held during the night. In extra, this year, free workshops and
2 min presentations will be organized.
*Topics : *
- Embedded Security ( health device, SCADA, home/personal devices...)
- Reverse Engineering and Obfuscation
- Vulnerability Discovery / Analysis
- Exploit Automation
- Mobile security
- Hardware Vulnerabilities
- Malware Creation, Analysis and Prevention
- Web Application Security
- Network security, Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Security and Privacy in Cloud, P2P Networks
- Penetration Testing
- Disclosure and Ethics
- Digital Forensics
- Applied Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
We encourage original and groundbreaking submissions, demonstrations,
release of a new open source/non-commercial tool, and interaction with the
We highly encourage papers which have not been published, but we still
accept replay of paper.
We pay particular attention to any demonstration to real world exploitation
and applied security in real context. Each submission will be reviewed by
the PC
*Important Dates*
Reviews due : *October 1st*
Decision notification : *October 15th*
Final paper camera-ready : *October 30th*
*Submissions Types*
GreHack 2015 will consider the following types of submissions:
- Full research papers presenting mature and novel research results. Their
total length should range from 10 to 16 pages.
- Short Papers/Extended Abstracts describing novel ideas of potential
interest to the security research community. Their total length should
range from 4 to 8 pages.
Papers accepted by the Program Committee will be presented at GreHack 2015.
Each paper must include an abstract and a list of keywords, be formatted in
a single-column format, use at least 11-point fonts, and have reasonable
margins. Templates are available on the website (Latex and Word). Total
length includes the bibliography and any appendices. GreHack does not
require anonymized submissions, thus authors and affiliations must be
mentioned. For accepted papers, at least one of the authors must attend the
conference and present the paper. Further questions on the submission
process may be sent to the program chairs at cfp at grehack.fr.\\
*Program Committee*
Cédric Lauradoux - INRIA (Chair)
Florent Autréau - Mataru(Chair)
Mathieu Blanc - CEA-DAM
Arnaud Calmejane - Sogeti ESEC
Jessy Clédière - CEA-Leti
Philippe Elbaz-Vincent - Institut Fourier
Xavier Facelina - Seclab-solutions
Josselin Feist - Verimag (Securimag)
Julien Francq - Airbus Defense \& Space.
Franck de Goër - LIG (Securimag)
Pascal Lafourcade - Université d'Auvergne
Regis Leveugle - TIMA
Dave Penkler - Hewlett-Packard
Marie-Laure Potet - Verimag
Patrick Redon - Thales
Matthieu Rivain - CryptoExperts
Marion Videau - Quarkslab
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