[rosedu-general] Jacobs University Hackathon

Mihai Tiriplica tiriplica.mihai at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 19:54:57 EEST 2014

Mi-a spus un prietent de acest hackathon. Daca aveti timp
chiar merita, Bremen e un oras frumos si au si fabrica Becks
foarte aproape de campus :).

Anuntul oficial:

It is about time to bring hackathons to European universities. A few
students at Jacobs University are therefore organizing a hackathon that
aims to bring people from different countries together to hack. jacobsHack!
is an international student-run hackathon in Bremen, Germany. Students will
get 24 hours to hack on anything they like and have the chance to win
prizes worth up to 2000€. Additionally they can make the first step in the
direction of working with one of our sponsors Google, SAP, Microsoft, and
Entrepreneur First. More information at: https://jacobshack.com/
Live long, #hackstrong--

Mihai Tiriplică
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