[rosedu-general] Linux kernel hobbyist to attend Kernel Summit

Laura Mihaela Vasilescu laura.vasilescu at rosedu.org
Thu Aug 15 11:13:33 EEST 2013


Original announce:
and I quote:
"As an experiment this year, the Linux Kernel Summit Program Committee
would like to put out a call for hobbyists. This year, we have up to
three places to give to people who do Linux Kernel development as a
hobby rather than a profession (Our definition of "hobbyist" is anyone
who doesn't get paid to work on Linux).  The Linux Kernel Summit will
be held this year in Edinburgh from 23-25 October and, on the core day
(the 24th of October), will primarily be concentrating on processes
around kernel development.  Since most top kernel developers are not
hobbyists these days, this is your opportunity to make up for what
we're missing. As we recognize most hobbyists don't have the resources
to attend conferences, we're offering (as part of the normal kernel
summit  travel fund processes) travel reimbursement as part of being
selected to attend.

To apply, please send a proposal outlining what you do, what you'd
bring to the kernel summit and preferably what you think the current
kernel processes should be doing to encourage more hobbyist
contributions (or should not be doing because it discriminates against
hobbyist contributions) to:

ksummit-2013-discuss at lists.linuxfoundation.org

Please add the prefix [HOBBYIST ATTEND] to the subject line so we can
easily find them.

Descriptions of particularly cool hobbyist projects in the kernel
which have been overlooked by the mainstream might also be good topics
for discussion.  Since the Kernel Summit is only two months away,
we're looking to have hobbyist proposals submitted by 24 August.  We
know that this is a tight timetable and we apologize; this idea came
up too late for us to provide better notice.  The current plan is to
make the hobbyist slots a permanent part of the selection criteria, so
things should be less rushed in the coming years.

Please spread the word!"

Deadline: 24 August

Apply now! :D


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