[robocheck-dev] Unit testing 101

Laura Vasilescu laura at rosedu.org
Thu Aug 13 15:38:04 EEST 2015

Hi ,

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 12:51 AM, Constantin Mihalache
<mihalache.c94 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've sent two pull requests that are still pending. One for adding
> unit tests for Dr. Memory and another for refactoring configuration
> and penaltyhandler. Both of them can be merged without any existing
> conflicts if the implementations are fine.

I will let Andrei to make the review and decide if it will merge your
patches or not.

> *bonus question* Is support for Windows that important currently ? (I
> noticed that there is no easy way to use the tool / no install script)

Well, vmchecker is used with Windows only for SO assignments
(currently). The reason why dr. Memory tool was integrated is to be
able to also check memory leaks for Windows assignments (since
valgrind is not available on this platform).

So, the Windows support for Robocheck is not the important (for the
moment), but if we are speaking about the support for dr. Memory than
the answer is: yes; because if we want to detect memory leaks on Linux
platforms it might be better to use valgrind.

Does this make sense?

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