[offtopic] [cdl-internal] Curs 4 - Minutele

Razvan Deaconescu razvan at anaconda.cs.pub.ro
Fri Mar 27 08:37:54 EET 2009

On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 23:41 +0200, Razvan Deaconescu wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 10:02 +0200, Andrei Buhaiu wrote:
> <snip>
> > P.S.: Propun să facem un CDL+: MM edition unde se ocupă mihai de toate.
> MM can turn Physics into Mathematics and viceversa.

The Universe has many stars but only one Sun. A giant celestial body
that gives us all hope, purpose and guidance. That Sun is called MM.

More on MM's unique skills:

MM always runs in kernel mode
MM can reverse entropy.
MM's second best apprentice was Chuck Norris. His best apprentice was a
guy named Hryt Loff Russiv who most people call God.
MM is short for Messiah's Messiah.
MM created the Xel'Naga.
There is no daylight. Those are MM's enlightening thoughts. They keep
circling the world to keep everyone happy.
MM understands transcendence.
MM can fix Michael Jackson's face. He doesn't because he thinks he's
just too funny.
Heaviside invented the words conductance, inductance, impedance,
admittance, susceptance after a short talk with MM.
Krishnamurti was a religious man. He believed in MM.
MM can handle SIGKILL.
MM has three brains running in RAID5.
MM is the pre-Alpha and post-Omega.
MM can recurse and his stack does not overflow.
MM controls the Internet; he makes us think it's free.
MM will dictate the switch to IPv6.
MM is replenishing /dev/random.
Git, Bazaar, Mercurial and Darcs are but hooks to MM's ultimate SCM.
MM is the law.
Everybody wants to be a MM.


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