[vmchecker-dev] teaching assistant interface

Lucian Adrian Grijincu lucian.grijincu at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 17:59:27 EEST 2010


It would be nice to have an interface for teaching assistants and teachers.

We need a service to return the role of the user:
* returns a string: 'student' (default), 'ta', 'admin', ...
* the current logged in user is taken from the session

This is trivial to implement (~ 15 minutes)

If getRole returns 'ta' we should display a special panel in which the
assistant can do the following:

* upload tests for a pre-configured assignment
  - service: uploadTests(courseId, assignmentId, archiveFile)
  - the current logged in user is taken from the session, and used to
authenticate the operation

* change the deadline or other config options for an assignment
  - the service is more complicated

* resubmit for testing (on a course basis):
  - resubmit(courseId, all::Bool, assignmentId, studentId)
  * all submissions
    - (all=true, assignmentId='', studentId='')
  * a certain user's submissions
    - (all=false, assignmentId='', studentId='xxx')
  * all submissions for an assignment
    - (all=false, assignmentId='yyy', studentId='')
  * a user's submission for an assignment
    - (all=false, assignmentId='yyy', studentId='xxx')

Ideally we could display a student's sources and give them the
possibility to add comments, but that's a bit to much at this time.

Another userful feature would be to be able to comment on student's
submissions (write to grade.vmr).

Claudiu, can you estimate the complexity of these tasks (how much do
you think it would take to implement these)?

..: Lucian

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