[rosedu-general] OWASP Code Sprint 2017

Razvan Deaconescu razvan at rosedu.org
Sun Jun 4 13:52:01 EEST 2017


Anul acesta Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)[1] organizează
OWASP Code Sprint 2017[2]. Este vorba de un program în care studenții
pot contribui la proiecte open source din zona securității sub umbrela
OWASP. Vă încurajăm să aplicați și să câștigați experiență în
comunitatea open source, cu obținerea unei sume de 1500 USD pentru un
proiect încheiat cu succes.

Detalii despre OWASP Code Sprint 2017 găsiți pe wiki[2] și în
informațiile oficiale de mai jos, incluzând calendarul OWASP.

* Program announcement: May 15, 2017
* Deadline for Student Applications: June 15, 2015
* Proposal Evaluations: from: June 15 thru June 23 2017
* Successful proposals announcement: June 26, 2017
* Bonding Period Announcement: June 26, 2017 - July 1, 2017
* Coding Period Starts: July 3, 2017
* Mid-term evaluations: Submitted from :July 31, 2017 thru August 4, 2017
* Coding Period Re-starts: August 7, 2017
* Coding period ends: September 1, 2017
* Final evaluations:September 4, 2017 thru September 8, 2017

The OWASP Code Sprint 2017 is a program that aims to provide incentives
for students to contribute to OWASP projects. By participating in the
OWASP Code Sprint 2017 a student can get real-life experience
contributing to an open source project. A student who successfully
completes the program will receive in total $1500. You can read more on
the Code Sprint 2017 wiki page[2].

Any code/tool project can participate in the OWASP Code Sprint. Each
project will be guided by an OWASP mentor. Students are evaluated in the
middle and at the end of the coding period, based on success criteria
identified at the beginning of the project. Successful students will
receive $750 after each evaluation, a total of $1500 per student.

[1] https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page
[2] https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Code_Sprint_2017


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