[rosedu-general] Fwd: [GSOC Students] Important Reminder for all GSoC students with prepaid cards from 2005-2014

Călin Cruceru crucerucalincristian at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 17:42:58 EEST 2016


În caz că a ratat cineva - dintre cei care au participat la edițiile
dinainte de 2014 - următorul e-mail de pe lista GSOC Students:

Hello former GSoC students,

This email is mostly for students who participated in GSoC prior to
2014 who were given Citibank prepaid cards with their GSoC stipends
loaded on them.

If you have a card from back when we used Citibank for GSoC payments
(prior to 2014) then please use your funds immediately. After a couple
of years of the card being issued, you will lose any remaining funds
on your card. So if you still have money on a card from say, 2013,
then use the card as soon as possible to get the money out before the
funds disappear completely. Sometimes students leave $10-$50 on the
card and forget about it. You might as well use the money since you
earned it.

We want you to all get the money you worked so hard for.

Stephanie Taylor

Toate bune,

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