[rosedu-general] Meetup OpenStack in Bucuresti: 25 februarie 2016, ora 18:30

Razvan Deaconescu razvan at rosedu.org
Sat Feb 20 23:00:14 EET 2016


Dacă vă interesează soluțiile cloud și, în particulare OpenStack, vă
încurajez să participați la primul meetup OpenStack ce va avea loc joi,
25 februarie 2016, ora 18:30, la ConnectHub.

Anunțul complet al evenimentului este mai jos.

Dacă e în regulă cu responsabilii de social media, cred că e drăguț să
apară și pe pagina de Facebook ROSEdu.


Cloudbase Solutions and Skylab Startup Development would like to invite
you to the first OpenStack[1] Meetup in Bucharest in 2016. The meetup is
going to be held on February 25, starting from 18:30, at Connect Hub[2]
(Bd. Dacia, Nr. 99, Et.4).

We'd like to have a regular OpenStack meetup in Bucharest and we hope
to build a strong community around OpenStack, so please help us spread
the word and extend this invitation to any and all OpenStack
enthusiasts out there, developers and users alike.

We have 3 interesting topics in store for you, ranging from OpenStack in
education, software defined networking and interoperability with

Full Agenda:

18:30 - 18:40 Welcoming the guests. Short networking session before the event starts.
18:40 - 19:10 Eduard Luchian (Skylab Startup Development): "OpenStack from NFV to SDN"
19:10 - 19:20 Coffee Break 1
19:20 - 19:50 Razvan Dobre (Adobe): "OpenStack in education"
19:50 - 20:00 Coffee Break 2
20:00 - 20:30 Sergiu Strat (Cloudbase Solutions): "OpenStack and

Please confirm your presence by
on the Eventbrite page of the meetup. It will help us a lot in
anticipating the attendance and better preparing the logistics:

Coffee and snacks are on us. See you all at the event!

[1] https://www.openstack.org/
[2] https://goo.gl/maps/v6qwDKPvPTR2
[3] https://www.eventbrite.com/e/openstack-bucharest-meetup-20161-tickets-21385721268

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