[rosedu-general] (no subject)

Lucia Rosculete luciarosculete at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 13:22:05 EEST 2014


In caz ca sunteti interesati de o pozitie de Research Assistant pe un an
(sau doi) in Singapore la NUS, exista doua opening-uri cu prof. Abhik [1],
in cadrul proiectului la care lucrez eu curent pana in septembrie.

Folosim multe proiecte open source in cercetarea noastra, chiar daca nu
punem accentul pe contributii in aceste proiecte, ci pe publicare de

Descrierea formala o gasiti mai jos, insa daca va intereseaza detalii mai
pragmatice legate de "renumeratie" si cost of living in Singapore, dati-mi
un e-mail.

[1] http://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?user=UxFWSJIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Position: Research Assistant (2 positions)

Length: Minimum 1 year, direct 2 year appointment possible for strong

Work scope:

Software is an extremely flexible medium of creation, and hence software
has been increasingly used to control variety of personalized devices as
well as organizational and national infra-structures. As a result, there
has been an explosive growth in the use of safety-critical embedded systems
in our daily lives. With the present day emergence of cyber-security
threats, malicious software attacks and cyber-terrorism, it is crucial for
organizations and governments to invest in ensuring that these critical
embedded systems are safe, reliable, robust and secure. In this domain, the
proposed work-plan will leverage on our diverse strengths in Security,
Programming Languages, Verification, and impact the following vertical on
mobile banking. Given Singapore’s status as a financial hub, and with the
wide emergence of smart-phones – we envision the enabling of *mobile
trading* operations, where the mobile phone can be used regularly for
online trading. Commercializing such an application requires a systematic
enforcement of security policies, where the mobile phone infra-structure
might maintain a close physical sharing of secure / insecure data as well
as apps, while maintain a strict and provably secure logical separation. We
propose to develop such an infra-structure via this project.

Background needed

The work can fit two kinds of candidates.

i) Either the candidate will have strong systems skills, specifically
background in operating systems will be useful.
ii) For candidates without strong systems background, strong background in
program analysis / verification will be needed

Salary and benefits:

The salary and benefits are very competitive, more details are available on
enquiry. Salary and benefits can also be commensurate
to the candidate's experience, meaning candidates with more experience can
be offered higher salary.
All enquiries can be sent to Prof. Abhik Roychoudhury   WWW:
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