[rosedu-general] Interested in attending the Europython 2013 conference?
Alexandru Tudorica
tudalex at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 12:30:03 EEST 2013
On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Flavius Anton <fvanton at yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 06/10/2013 10:19 PM, Alex Morega wrote:
>> Eu mă duc, dacă mai vine cineva, drop me a line :) Vă încurajez să
>> aplicați și să mergeți, sunt speakeri buni, comunitate prietenoasă, și la
>> sfârșit sunt câteva zile de coding sprint (un fel de hackaton).
>> Ah, și am auzit că Florența e un oraș frumos.
>> -- Alex
>> On 10 Jun 2013, at 19:27, Laura Mihaela
>> Vasilescu<laura.vasilescu at rosedu.org> wrote:
>>> Pentru cei interesati să participe la Europython, Google oferă
>>> grant-uri de până la 1000 de euro pentru costurile de
>>> deplasare/cazare. :)
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Jenny McColl<jennymccoll at google.com>
>>> Date: Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:22 PM
>>> Subject: Interested in attending the Europython 2013 conference?
>>> To:
>>> Do you want to travel to Florence and attend the Europython 2013
>>> conference? Are you studying Computer Science or a related technical
>>> field?
>>> If yes, apply for a Google EMEA Conference and Travel Grant for
>>> Europython 2013!
>>> We are offering the winners free registration for the conference and
>>> up to 1000 EUR towards travel and accommodation costs. Check this link
>>> for eligibility criteria and to find out more! The deadline to apply
>>> is Mon 17th June.
>>> Please feel free to forward this on to any of your peers who might
>>> also be interested and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any
>>> questions.
>>> Thanks
>>> Jenny
>>> --
>>> Jenny McColl | University Programmes Specialist |
>>> jennymccoll at google.com | Connect with me on Google+!
>>> Launch something global: your career at Google.
>>> www.google.com/students
>>> 123 Buckingham Palace Road
>>> London,
>>> SW1W 9SH
>>> Google UK Limited
>>> Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London
>>> SW1W 9TQ. Registered in England Number: 3977902
>>> If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it
>>> to anyone else (it may contain confidential or privileged
>>> information), please erase all copies of it, including all
>>> attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong
>>> person. Thanks.
> Numai că din câte văd eu, grantul este tot de genul "women in computer
> science", deci numai pentru fete :D.
Unde scrie asta?
Tudorică Constantin Alexandru
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