[rosedu-general] [Rival Ideas] Python vs Ruby - căutăm echipa Ruby

Mihai Maruseac mihai.maruseac at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 10:35:27 EEST 2013

2013/4/13 Alexandru Juncu <alexj at rosedu.org>:
> 2013/4/13 Mihai Maruseac <mihai.maruseac at gmail.com>:
>> 2013/4/13 Alexandru Juncu <alexj at rosedu.org>:
>>> The Haskell jokes are getting boring....
>> Nu era joke :) Mi-am făcut un target să fac Haskell-ul mai cunoscut.
> And Jehovah's witnesses try to make the Word of Jesus known (I
> think)... that doesn't make them less annoying... or wrong..

Not sure if trolling or not...

E o diferență mare între cele 2. Chiar nu înțeleg de unde ura asta?

"All we have to decide is what we do with the time that is given to us"

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