[rosedu-general] Comandă pe thinkgeek.com - nu se poate comanda din Romania

cosmin.dumitrache at yahoo.com cosmin.dumitrache at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 17 18:45:34 EET 2007

Nu stiu de ce nu mi-am adus aminte mai inainte de chestia asta, dar am incercat si eu odata sa imi iau ceva de pe thinkgeek.com

Mi-am facut cont, mi-am pus lucrurile in shopping cart, dar cand am vrut sa plasez comanda, la un moment dat trebuia sa aleg tara. Si, bineinteles Romania nu se afla in lista de tari in care thinkgeek face livrari. M-am gandit ca e posibil ca pur si simplu sa fi uitat sa o treaca acolo, pentru ca erau trecute destul de multe tari (din lumea a III-a inclusiv). Nu o fi Romania paradisul pe pamant, dar totusi cred ca nu se compara cu o tara saraca din Africa. Asa ca le-am dat un mail baietilor sa-i intreb cum sta treaba.

Aparent au fost niste smecherasi care au platit cu carduri false sau ceva de genul asta, motiv pentru care Romania a fost trecuta pe o lista neagra. Alt motiv nu prea vad.

Concluzie: daca vrem sa comandam de pe thinkgeek ar trebui sa ne mutam in Burkina Faso.

Am atasat mai jos raspunsul lor. Chestia asta s-a intamplat prin aprilie 2007.

Credeam ca au reconsiderat intre timp, dar m-am uitat acum pe site si se pare ca nu. Romania tot nu apare in lista de tari.

Raspunsul thinkgeek:

Unfortunately, we do not ship to or accept orders from your country at
 this time. This decision has been made due to a variety of reasons (our
 carriers do not deliver there, we have products that cannot be easily
 shipped internationally or we have had a high rate of fraudulent orders
 coming from your country). We appreciate your interest in ThinkGeek,
 and we would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Alternatively, if you have another address in a country that we do ship
 to, you can make payment by certified check or money order in U.S.
 currency only. Just place items in your shopping cart, proceed to checkout
 and fill out your billing and shipping information. You do not have to
 enter a credit card to get to this view. Print out the page with your
 order and the shipping rates and mail that information to us with your
 payment. Please note that orders mailed to us require a longer
 processing time than those placed on our website. Our mailing address is:

ThinkGeek, Inc.
10201 Main Street
Suite 100
Fairfax, VA 22030

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Mark Silverman
ThinkGeek Customer Service
888-433-5788 - phone
703-839-8611 - fax
9am - 6pm Eastern Mon-Fri

> Hello.
> Are you able to ship products to Romania by any
> chance?
> If so, can you direct me to a page with shipping costs
> and such?
> Thanks.
> Cosmin Dumitrache
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