[robocheck-dev] Windows support

Constantin Mihalache mihalache.c94 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 00:33:30 EEST 2015

Hi there,

#problem 1
I have observed that the output of the Dr. Memory tool on Linux
differs from the one on Windows (maybe because of the different
compilers, GCC and CL). Is this ok?
If it is ok, there should be a separate unit test for Dr. Memory on Windows.

#problem 2
The only versions for Dr. Memory for Windows I found was 1.8.0 and
1.8.1. I noticed that, on Linux, Robocheck uses 1.5.1. Does it matter?

#problem 3
I'm planning to add 2 tools for easily installing Robocheck on Windows:
*unzip.exe - for installing Dr. Memory (and any other tool) after
downloading it.
*pathmgr.cmd - for permanently adding a folder to the system PATH
(avoiding duplicates).
ok / not ok ?

#problem 4
I'm using "bitsadmin.exe", a Windows system tool, that has been
deprecated starting from Windows 8, to download the Dr. Memory zip
file. It's not very friendly and sometimes it crashes outputing some
ugly error codes that don't make any sense. Should I continue using it
or ... is there any other system tool that I could use ? should I try
to find a standalone download tool ?


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