Damakos 1 5.9" 180lb 23 38 gp 0 gp
Use infernal wrath as an encounter power. Resist fire 5 + 1/2 level. +1 on attacks against bloodied foes. Use eldritch blast as an at-will power and as a basic attack. Use CON for Eldritch Blast Choose a pact, which determines an at-will spell, your pact boon, and bonuses to certain powers. Hellish rebuke spell; Dark One's Blessing boon: When cursed foe is dropped to 0 hp, gain temporary hp equal to your level. If no allies are closer to target than you, get +1 on ranged attacks against that target. On your turn, if you move 3+ squares from starting square, gain concealment until end of your next turn. Once per turn (minor), curse nearest foe you can see; deal extra damage to cursed foes. Pact boon grants 3 additional temporary hit points At-Will Standard action 0 1d4 Strength AC +0 Strength modifier. +0 half your level. +0 Strength modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. At-Will Standard action 0 1d4 Dexterity AC +0 Dexterity modifier. +0 half your level. +0 Dexterity modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. Encounter Minor Action At-Will Standard action 4 1d10+4 Constitution Reflex +4 Constitution modifier. +0 half your level. +4 Constitution modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. 4 1d10+4 Constitution Reflex +4 Constitution modifier. +0 half your level. +4 Constitution modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. At-Will Standard action 4 1d6+4 Fire Constitution Reflex +4 Constitution modifier. +0 half your level. +4 Constitution modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. 4 1d6+4 Fire Constitution Reflex +4 Constitution modifier. +0 half your level. +4 Constitution modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. At-Will Free Action At-Will Minor Action Encounter Standard action 4 2d8+4 Necrotic Constitution Will +4 Constitution modifier. +0 half your level. +4 Constitution modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. 4 2d8+4 Necrotic Constitution Will +4 Constitution modifier. +0 half your level. +4 Constitution modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. Daily Standard action 4 3d10+4 Fire Constitution Reflex +4 Constitution modifier. +0 half your level. +4 Constitution modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt. 4 3d10+4 Fire Constitution Reflex +4 Constitution modifier. +0 half your level. +4 Constitution modifier. +1d6 to damage once per round (Warlock's Curse) +1 to attack rolls if none of your allies are closer to the target - Prime Shot. +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes - Bloodhunt.
38 gp 0 gp 0 0 Deathbone rod Damakos 5.9" 180lb 23 C:\Documents and Settings\schlumpu\My Documents\ddi\Saved Characters\Damakos.dnd4e false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false MobilePanelsLocked=True|CurrentOrientationStyle=Vertical|NewPageLayoutAffinity=Portrait|NewPowerLayoutAffinity=Portrait|ShowJournalPages=False|ShowNotesPage=False|ShowPowerCardPages=True|ShowBasicAttackPowerCards=False|ShowOptionalCards=True|ShowNormalItemCards=False|ShowItemSetInfoCards=True|ShowAllWeaponsForCards=False|ShowBlankPowerCardPage=False|ShowPageNumbers=True|ShowFlavorText=False|ReplacesAdditionalEffects=True|ZoomLevel=100|PersonalizedData=True&BaseStyle=PortraitPage1/LayoutStyle=Portrait|*/HEADER|*/INITIATIVE/ABILITY_SCORES/HIT_POINTS/SKILLS|*/DEFENSES/ACTION_POINTS/RACE_FEATURES;Height=151/CLASS_FEATURES;Height=270/LANGUAGES;Height=52|*/MOVEMENT/SENSES/ATTACK_WORKSPACE/DAMAGE_WORKSPACE/BASIC_ATTACKS/FEATS;Height=338&BaseStyle=PortraitPage2/LayoutStyle=Portrait|*|*/POWERS_PANEL/OTHER_EQUIPMENT;Height=221/COINS_AND_WEALTH|*/MAGIC_ITEMS_PANEL/RITUALS;Height=221|*/PORTRAIT/NOTES_PERSONALITY;Height=110/NOTES_APPEARANCE;Height=110/NOTES_BACKGROUND;Height=110/NOTES_ALLIES;Height=110/NOTES_SESSION;Height=110 <PowerCards> <CharSummaryCard Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" /> <SkillsCard Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" /> <ActionPointCard Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" /> <SecondWindCard Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="true"> <RuleID></RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </SecondWindCard> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Hidden" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_INTERNAL_POWER_MELEE_BASIC_ATTACK</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Hidden" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_INTERNAL_POWER_RANGED_BASIC_ATTACK</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_FMP_POWER_1333</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_FMP_POWER_1458</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_FMP_POWER_2095</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_FMP_POWER_5597</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_FMP_POWER_1628</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_FMP_POWER_1376</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardBasic Visibility="Visible" IsInSpellbook="False" Blank="false"> <RuleID>ID_FMP_POWER_1323</RuleID> <WeaponSelections /> </PowerCardBasic> <PowerCardNormalItem Visibility="Hidden" IsInSpellbook="False"> <CharLootID xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <baseID>ID_FMP_GEAR_1</baseID> </CharLootID> </PowerCardNormalItem> <PowerCardNormalItem Visibility="Hidden" IsInSpellbook="False"> <CharLootID xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <baseID>ID_FMP_ARMOR_2</baseID> </CharLootID> </PowerCardNormalItem> <PowerCardNormalItem Visibility="Hidden" IsInSpellbook="False"> <CharLootID xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <baseID>ID_FMP_SUPERIOR_IMPLEMENT_106</baseID> </CharLootID> </PowerCardNormalItem> </PowerCards> 0.732183908045977 0 0